Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr. Armando Torres
+55 8411 7135
Av Insurgerntes Sur 1605 PH

Corrección de iatrogenias

Dr. Armando Torres Castillo

Correction of previously performed malpractice procedures

Errors caused by malpractice

Unfortunately complications in the field of dentistry continue to appear even today. Much of these complications occur because previous dental treatments are not carried out by specialists who are adequately trained in their area of expertise.

It is of great importance that any oral and/or maxillofacial surgical procedure be performed by a maxillofacial surgeon who has the necessary hospital training of at least 5 years, and thus the proper knowledge and skill to resolve any complications that might arise during and after a surgical procedure.

We present here some case examples:

Post-extraction infections, through poor technique, after removal of third molars or ‘wisdom teeth’

Infección por mala praxis en extracción de muelas del juicio
Post-extraction infections of third molars or wisdom teeth, resulting from extraction procedures performed by some dentists, are one of the most common complications maxillofacial surgeons must resolve. These infections are often associated with a lack of training, poor technique, and/or a lack of specialization and adequate knowledge. Additionally these infections are often due to extraction procedures of one ‘wisdom tooth’ lasting more than fifteen minutes, or of all four wisdom teeth lasting more than one hour, or due to improper equipment.

These errors in procedural technique very often encourage the entry of microorganisms, increased edema and swelling, as well as the discomfort of the patient. It is noteworthy that infections can become so severe after the extraction of third molars, that they can even cause premature death.

On average, around fifty cases per year of post-procedure infections from third molar extractions present themselves in my private practice, 99% of which require immediate hospital care where we perform impregnation of antibiotics, surgical drainage and cleansing. These cases equal an average hospital stay of seven days. This is usually not covered by any insurance as specified in clauses which state that any condition of dental origin is excluded in the policy.

Oro-antral communication (abnormal passage between the mouth and nose)

After a dental extraction of an impacted tooth, material passes or drains into the maxillary sinus oro-antral communication. This ‘communication’ results in the passage of liquids from the mouth to the nose.
Comunicación bucosinusal posterior a una extracción dental
Comunicación bucosinusal posterior a una extracción dental
Comunicación bucosinusal posterior a una extracción dental

Several cases of iatrogenic correction (correction of previous malpractice)

In the above cases we present various complications caused by situations of malpractice, as a reminder that the right specialist needed to perform any type of oral and maxillofacial surgery is the maxillofacial surgeon. It is therefore vital that patients work with true specialists.

The detailed causes of such complications are as follows :
1. Sublingual hematoma in a patient presenting with bleeding in the lingual artery caused by severe airway obstruction, which resulted from an unsuccessful dental implant.
2. A patient seeking emergency services after a six-hour wisdom tooth extraction resulting from a dislocated jaw. The original procedure, performed by dentists, ended up in a situation with extreme bleeding and without successful extraction of the tooth. Therefore a subsequent treatment had to be performed in the operating room in order to reduce dislocation, to stop bleeding, and to remove the tooth, with five days of subsequent hospitalization.
3. Broken anesthetic needle within the soft tissue of the jaw.
4. Posterior maxillary necrosis (tissue death) after orthognathic jaw surgery, due to a lack of blood supply.
5. Osteomyelitis (bone infection) after dental extraction
6. Another image of Osteomyelitis (bone infection) after dental extraction

Dental implants displaced into the maxillary sinus

Corrección de Implante desplazado bucal

Removal of a silastic polymer implant due to post-procedure infection

Negative reaction to a silastic implant, which needed to be subsequently removed.

Retiro de Implantes de Silastic por infección en Maxilofacial CDMX
Retiro de Implantes de Silastic por infección en Maxilofacial CDMX

Removal and correction of improper silastic mentoplasty (cosmetic surgery of the chin)

Retiro de Implantes de Silastic por infección en Maxilofacial CDMX
Retiro de Implantes de Silastic por infección en Maxilofacial CDMX

Removal and correction of improper silastic mentoplasty (cosmetic surgery of the chin)

Retiro de Implantes de Silastic por infección en Maxilofacial CDMX
Retiro de Implantes de Silastic por infección en Maxilofacial CDMX
Dr. Armando Torres Castillo
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.
  • Dental implantology
  • Orthognathic surgery
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