Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr. Armando Torres
+55 8411 7135
Av Insurgerntes Sur 1605 PH

Wisdom Teeth

Dr. Armando Torres Castillo

Wisdom Teeth (or ‘Third Molars’)

Causes leading to the removal of wisdom teeth

Among the reasons for the removal of a third molar (or wisdom tooth) as seen on radiographs, is the destruction it can eventually cause to adjacent teeth. Problems associated with third molars include creation of cavities (due to the difficulty of hygiene in the area), impacted food (causing bad breath and pain), infection (pericoronitis), as well as dental crowding resulting in crooked teeth. The presence of problematic wisdom teeth can also cause the development of pathologies, usually benign, but which can become malignant.

Case 1 of Extraction of third molars or wisdom teeth - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mexico City

Third molar in a bad position relative to the second molar, which causes the loss of the second molar.
Extracción de terceros molares CDMX
Extracción de terceros molares CDMX

Case 2 of Extraction of third molars or wisdom teeth - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mexico City

Picture 1: Cavities in the first and second molar caused by the third molar, resulting in loss of the three molars.
Picture 2: Rhizolysis (root reabsorption) of the second molar
Extracción de terceros molares CDMX
Extracción de terceros molares CDMX

Case 3 of Extraction of third molars or wisdom teeth - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mexico City

Picture 1: Obstruction of the second molar by the third molar.
Picture 3: Third molar supra-eruption (extrusion of the tooth from its originally fixed position) causing precancerous white lesions or leukoplakia. The latter shows us another reason why we must remove the superior third molars. Since they do not have to perform the function of biting, they will extrude (downwards) biting the gum and eventually causing white lesions (leukoplakia), which are precancerous lesions.
Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX
Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX
Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX

Case 4 of Extraction of third molars or wisdom teeth - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mexico City

Another indication for removing a wisdom tooth is to avoid resultant crowding and crooked teeth. The patient shown in the following images had undergone orthodontic treatment three years prior. And even with fixed retainers, as seen in the radiograph, the eruptive force of these third molars caused overcrowding. The removal of third molars is thus recommended before the finalization of orthodontic treatment to avoid this complication.

Precio de Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX
Precio de Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX

Case 5 of Extraction of third molars or wisdom teeth - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mexico City

Another indication for extracting a third molar or wisdom tooth is the anatomical alteration of the third molars.
Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX
Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX
Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX

Case 6 of Extraction of third molars or wisdom teeth - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mexico City

Another indication to extract a third molar or wisdom tooth is the Malposition of third molars.
Precio de Extracción de terceros molares o muelas del juicio - Cirujano Maxilofacial CDMX
Dr. Armando Torres Castillo
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.
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